Monday, March 21, 2011

Can You Be Pregnant And Have A Hard Cervix


IU presents its list in Aracena with Bonilla at the head Nuria

Rufino Javier Moya / Aracena

The local group Izquierda Unida de Aracena has officially submitted the candidacy list for the upcoming municipal elections May 22. An act that took place last Saturday afternoon in the auditorium of the City of Aracena, located in the Plaza Dona Elvira, the presence of many left-wing supporters and the general public.

Even with the special visit of the general coordinator of IU in Andalusia, Huelva, Diego Valdez, who opted for this list as a "group strong, clear ideas and maintaining a line of work in the municipality. Now the user must make it known. " Previously, he was involved up to now number one in the previous two legislatures, Antonio Maillo, to address in this work, the themes of future and present Nuria Aracena Bonilla. Indeed, the first female candidate for mayor of Aracena fled in his speech of politicians and bet on the "simple rule when, listening to the public and governing for all. Aracena needs a change and the UI list provides a team of government where illusion mix, youth and experience. "

A group where they repeat again, Daniel, Angus, Anthony Head and Fermina Maillo closing list (IU councilors in this term). Other previous lists are common in Rafael, Joan, Salvador and Virginia. The rest are newcomers which highlights the presence of Olivia de Valdezufre fourth.

The list is as follows:

1. Nuria Bonilla

2. Daniel Martínez Ruiz

3.María Angustias Gil Rebollo

Ramos 4.Olivia

5.Salvador Mateos

6.Ana Rosa Vázquez

7.Joan Joseph Llompart

8.Fermina heads

9.Juan Carlos Delgado

10.María Antúnez José González

11.Rafael Ortega Carter

12.Lola Romero Ursa

13.Antonio Cañadas Maíllo

14.Virginia Puyo

15.Javier Ramírez

16.Manuel Sánchez

Finally, Diego Valdez closed the speech by saying that " only guarantee of the Aracena has left IU, and the current mayor (Manuel Guerra) passing the PSOE betrayed him. "

Aracena UI List (top) and Nuria Bonilla (down) / JMR


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